The power of kindness: young Israeli girl evacuated to Dead Sea - many she knows killed by Hamas - responding with kindness and compassion for kids of her age in Gaza Strip with nowhere to evacuate to
A young Israeli whose Kibutz was attacked and many people she knows killed - she had to evacuate to the Dead Sea - about how civilians in Gaza strip just a few kilometers from her Kibutz are going through what she went through with nowhere to evacuate to.
[Sadly Substack doesn’t embed Twitter tweets, for details see:
You can watch her video on Twitter here:
Many Jews in Israel are NOT in support of what Israel is doing.
One thing rarely mentioned, Hamas doesn't have hostages as a human shield, they want to exchange them for Palestinians held in prison for such things as waving a Palestinian flag.
Ukraine never answered war crimes with war crimes.
Personal view of advisor to Zelensky and academic.
"What HAMAS has done is terrorism.
"Israel must respond and it’s options are limited, but displacement of 1 million of civilians cannot be justified."
I am hopeful it can be stopped. Because a military campaign to try to eradicate Hamas would take weeks.
The humanitarian crisis will come to a head in days. A human can only last 3 days without water. They will soon be out of water. Then it's 100s of thousands at risk of dying.
I don't think in the modern world US & UK will continue to stand by. I think they'll speak up forcefully against the blockade and forced evacuation once we have hundreds of thousands dying of thirst on TV screens.
Remember this is a sad spot in a world full of kindness.
That is what this young Israeli girl shows. Kindness towards those in Gaza Strip suffering in the same way she did.