It is TOTALLY SAFE to have VIEWS DIFFERENT FROM TRUMP if he is elected - US Constitution PROTECTS your FREEDOM OF SPEECH - perhaps TikTokers make such bizarre claims out of delusions of grandeur?
I was asked to debunk a TikTok where the author claimed FALSELY that Trump would be able to take away the rights of ordinary Americans for freedom of speech and protection from being killed by others, if they were left leaning, or talked about climate change or basically had any view different from his on any topic.
It would be totally illegal. Trump would have to change the US Constitution into a fascist constitution that makes it legal to kill people without trial for having views different from his.
This would require
3/4 of US states to approve a change from a democracy to a fascist constitution with Trump a dictator.
Just 13 states opposed would be enough to prevent it happening
not even one state would approve such a change, not even the most far right Republican states.
This will NOT happen.
It is intentionally made very difficult to change the US constitution. It's never been modified to take away rights.
It would require 3/4 of all US states to want to take away rights such as
the right to vote
the right to peacefully assemble to protest
the right to free speech
the right to have views different from Trump.
That is NOT going to happen.
Remember ANYONE can say ANYTHING on TikTo
NONSENSE: And if Trump is elected you will HAVE to have the same views as him on EVERYTHING! Found on TikTok
More NONSENSE from TikTok!
There are many mischievous, confused and silly people on the internet teaching you nonsense.
Graphic made using Dall-E
Many people are confused by Trump’s claims and claims of others that he can be a dictator and think he could order the military to kill civilians. That is NONSENSE.
All officers and soldiers swear an oath to protect the US Constitution above the president. They HAVE to disobey illegal orders.
This may help.
General Milley:
We don't take an oath to a country. We don't take an oath to a tribe. We don't take an oath to a religion. We don't take an oath to a King or a Queen or to a tyrant or a dictator and we don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We don't take an oath to an individual.
We take an oath to the constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America and we're willing to die to protect it.
Every soldier, sailor, airman, marine, guardsmen and coastguardsmen, each of us commits our very life to protect and defend that document, regardless of personal price. And we are not easily intimidated.
Every US soldier, officer and general takes an oath to the US Constitution above all. They have it drilled in from the start that they must only obey LEGAL orders.
And as soldiers they are willing to die to protect the US constitution and the rule of law.
Speech starts at 1:21:00 here, the quote starts at 1:35:20 U.S. Constitution at Center of Military Transfer of Responsibility Ceremony
Here is another parody of the many videos on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram etc telling you NONSENSE.
Text on graphic: You are being taught nonsense on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram etc. by people who should wear a dunce's cap.
You need to find better teachers and please don't be scared by any of their bulls**t.
Graphic from: Generated by Microsoft Copilot
See my:
Text on graphic: Any random person in this crowd can go home and shout to the camera ANYTHING - and upload it to TikTok.
Would you believe anyone who shouts anything in a crowd? No that would be silly.
You shouldn't believe everyone who shouts anything on TikTok.
Background graphic from James Cridland on Flickr as : Crowd
BLOG: Why you shouldn’t believe everyone who shouts anything on TikTok
I won’t embed this bizarre TikTok as some people who read my posts are easily scared by such things even when they know they are false. Best not to click on it if you are impressionable and easily scared by TikToks but if you want to check it out it’s here. He gives NO EVIDENCE to back up his claims.
Why do they do this? perhaps its delusions of grandeur? - very common with 10% of the population having it at some point - an unreasonable and clearly incorrect beleive that they have abilities or special knowledge they don’t in fact have
I wonder if it may be delusions of grandeur, just because this is a very commonplace delusion. It seems to be almost normal to a human being from time to time to believe falsely that they have special knowledge or special powers they don’t in fact have. For instance that they have the power to end war or that they will live for ever or can’t be harmed.
It is delusive if it is clearly incorrect. For instance if someone believes they are the president of the United States, it is only delusive if they are NOT the president, obviously
I am an emperor of Japan Butterfly.
I am going to turn the Moon into a Flamingo.
Anyone on TikTok can say anything, they could say this.
Is this a world crisis or just silly?
Just silly but not against the law or against their terms of service. Anyone can do this if they want to.
Using graphics from: File:Sasakia charonda formosana male back 20140525.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
. File:FullMoon2010.jpg - Wikipedia
. File:Flamant rose Salines de Thyna.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
For some reason very large numbers of people on TikTok with great conviction say utter nonsense.
I think it may possibly be connected with delusions of grandeur.
Delusions of grandeur can manifest in virtually limitless ways. Some of the most common types include:
an inflated belief in one’s own importance, such as having the power to end war
a belief that one is famous or occupies a high position in society
a belief that one is a religious leader
a belief in one’s ability to live forever
a false belief that one cannot be harmed by disease or injury
an inflated sense of intelligence
a belief that one possesses magical skills, such as the ability to read minds
Cultural factors can affect the content of a person’s delusions. This is because culture affects a person’s knowledge and what they believe about the world. Something that is considered a delusion in one culture might not be in another.
People experiencing delusions of grandeur see themselves as great, highly accomplished, more important than others, or even magical. The delusion may be persistent, or it may appear only periodically.
Some people with delusions of grandeur also experience other delusions, such as a fear of persecution or unusual religious beliefs.
However, a delusion of grandeur is more than just very high self-esteem or an inflated sense of self-importance. It marks a significant disconnection from the real world. A person with delusions of grandeur may continue to believe in the delusion in spite of contradictory evidence.
A person believing in their own greatness is the hallmark of a delusion of grandeur.
For the belief to be a delusion, it must be unreasonable and incorrect. For instance, a person who claims to be president of the United States, when they clearly are not, is an example of a delusion of grandeur.
Even some healthy people can hold unreasonably high opinions of themselves. But unlike them, someone with grandiose delusions is unshakably convinced that their delusions are true.
For example, you may believe that you:
Are a multimillionaire
Found a cure for cancer
Are related to a Hollywood celebrity
Other symptoms may include:Change in your mood. You may be irritable, angry, or feel low.
Hallucinations. You see, hear, or feel things connected to your delusion that aren't really there. For example, if you believe that you have a special relationship with God, you may hear God's voice. Hallucinations aren't very common with delusional disorders, and they tend not to last long.
Other than the delusion, someone with this condition doesn't usually seem or act odd. But sometimes, the delusions can get serious enough to cause problems in their daily life.
. About 1 in 10 of the population at some point in their life have a belief that they have impossible abilities or powers etc. It's so common you can say fairly that this is part of what it is to be human that a certain % have such thoughts.
. Delusions of grandeur: Types and symptoms
This means that there are hundreds of millions of people on the internet who have such false beliefs about themselves at least temporarily from time to time. And of course millions that have them much more strongly and persistently.
So he may well believe falsely that he has special knowledge and understanding that doesn't require him to know anything about law or the US constitution or about anything relevant to the topic he is talking about. Just that he has to be right because he is the one saying it. Many people are like that on TikTok and they are WRONG. They make NUMEROUS MISTAKES and don't even know how DAFT the things are that they say.
Same also for YouTube shorts and Facebook Reels etc. This is one of the most common things I have to fact check for scared people. Someone who confidently says nonsense with no sources and no reasoning but with great conviction saying things as false as that the Moon is made of green cheese but they simply don't know how wrong they are (kindest way to interpret what is going on).
Others may be deceitful and actors. But this person sounds to me like he believes what he says so he likely has some mild sub-clinical delusion that he knows this stuff.
Another possibility is bipolar delusion. People in the manic phase of bipolar can be like this, totally convinced of nonsense.
All these claims that Trump can be a fascist are just election campaigning and will stop after election day no matter who is elected
What this TikToker said went way beyond even the wildest of the project 2025 claims - but it’s inspired by them probably. So I’ll say a bit about that.
Almost all of Project 2025 and of Trump's Agenda 47 is an illegal fantasy which can never be done.
This is the only part that's possible - the small part in the Republican platform.
But most of this needs a far right majority in the house and a fillibusterproof far right majority in the Senate to pass so will never happen either.
I think almost every voter would agree we wouldn't want to see the future of the America of project 2025 where a president
can override what the judges say and stop court cases from even happening
can override anything Congress tries to do too
edit the US legal code in a personal copy that everyone has to follow as the law of the land
edits the US Constitution also in their own personal copy that everyone has to follow
This is based on
a very extreme view of presidential powers that the courts have long ago ruled is not correct.
none of Trump's appointed justices would support it.
The only part that's possible is a small part that's in the Republican platform but
most of that needs a far right majority in the house and a fillibusterproof far right majority in the Senate to pass
not just a Republican majority a far right majority - this is not possible
so most of that will never happen either,
It's not only it would take a while. Project 2025 is IMPOSSIBLE. And remember Biden is president until Jan 20th, 2025.
All these FALSE claims that Trump can be a dictator will STOP immediately on election day with no more votes to be won - Trump himself, Never Trumpers, Democrats and others such as generals will ALL stop saying these things as they know they are FALSE / HYPERBOLE
Whoever wins, when the campaigning stops, whether
Trump has won or
Harris has won.
you will immediately find that.
Trump will stop saying he can be a dictator
Never Trumpers will stop saying he can be a dictator.
Harris will stop saying he can be a dictator.
All the generals and others who said he will be a fascist will also stop saying it too.
Indeed all these claims will stop already on November 5th
as soon as the last vote is cast.
even before the next president is known
The reason being that there will be NO MORE VOTES TO WIN.
Of course the old stories and memes and tweets and videos will likely continue to be shared on social media for a while after they are no longer being generated but there is no longer any incentive for anyone to make new tweets or videos like that.
They are ALL for DIFFERENT REASONS claiming that Trump as president can do things that are LEGALLY AND CONSTITUTIONALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
Also MILITARILY IMPOSSIBLE (as generals and officers swear an oath to uphold the constitution above any order from the president).
They all KNOW THAT.
So they will NOT worry about Trump being a dictator or ending democracy after election day if he is elected.
And as for Trump, from his part:
it will be like when he got the crowd to chant "Lock her up" about Hillary Clinton in 2016.
as soon as the voting ended he stopped saying anything about locking up Hillary Clinton.
That is because he knew he couldn't.
I think it’s reasonable to suppose that he wouldn’t have even said it if this was a country without a properly functioning legal system or bill of rights where a president has the power to lock up an opponent.
But whether he would have said it or not, if it was possible - as a candidate for a US president he KNEW he couldn't just lock her up in the USA. So he just stopped talking about it.
In the USA there isn't any election day silence except for a small region around each voting booth - so the campaigning can continue right up until the last vote is cast.
After that the campaigning is over and these false claims will stop.
For more about why project 2025 and Agenda 47 are both impossible, see my
SHORT DEBUNK Impossibility of Project 2025 and Trump's Agenda 47 - short summary
And for much more detail see my:
In the USA the electoral college and senate balance the interests of rural and city people - no system of democracy can ever be perfect - it is well possible that one candidate wins the electoral college and loses the popular vote and that’s okay
I thought I’d say a bit about this. Whoever wins the other side may well be inclined to see it as unfair.
Republicans are likely to claim the Democrats have cheated in some way and pursue lots of unfounded fraud claims.
But the Democrats also may well tell you that the president “Should” have been Harris if she wins the popular vote and loses the electoral college.
It may help to know that actually, there is no such thing as a perfect democracy, you can prove that, there is no system that can even give a consistent answer to "what does the public want". You can get systems that are more or less consistent most of the time but you always have self-contradictions.
That is the Concordet paradox. Any voting system could encounter a situation where with three options A, B and C, voters will vote for A in preference to B. But they also vote for B in preference to C and C in preference to A. Which is inconsistent.
So any majority vote system is self-contradictory. Which of course DOES NOT mean that we should stop using democracy. It just means that any democracy is bound to be a compromise and can never be perfect.
In the US system the electoral college and the 2 senators per state rule came about because of the way it was built up as a union of separate states.
However, the effect of all this is a balancing of interests of rural and city areas of the USA.
If the senators were selected like the house by population and if the president was selected by popular vote, then cities would have a huge advantage over rural areas which means laws would be passed that benefit cities over rural areas.
The current system helps counteract this by ensuring that rural areas and the values of people in rural parts of the USA get more weight.
This happens to benefit Republicans because more people in rural areas are Republican and more people in cities are Democrat. But it is a side effect. The main effect is that the concerns of farmers and others in rural areas get more attention than they would if the president was selected by popular vote and the Senate was decided similarly to the House.
Even with this difference, it isn't a huge effect. The popular vote tracks only a few percentage points away from the electoral college vote and on many topics, the Senate votes the same way as the House and often the US Congress has a trifecta of the House, Senate and President all in the same party.
It is a similar principle at the state level, that the counties vary hugely in population giving more of a voice to rural populations.
So - you'll hear a lot of talk about how the US system is an unfair one. Remember that ALL democracies are actually internally inconsistent. The best you can do is to make it as fair as you can and the US system is as democratic as any of the systems out there.
Winston Churchill put it like this:
QUOTE Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’
There seems to be some kind of a wisdom associated with this method of choice which often one can't understand the reasons for until later.
It's up to the American people to decide. No system is every perfect. But the whole idea of democracy is that whoever they vote for is the people's choice.
Confusing though it may be at times democracy is the best way we have to decide that, in the sense that nobody has found a better system.
So whatever happens - that is the choice of the people. And if there is some irregularity, or the decision is very close then there are methods of dealing with that - calling for a recount, and if necessary the legal route.
When do we know? Not likely on election day - most likely within a few days - if very close it could continue to safe harbour day Dec 11 or even to electoral college vote day Dec 17 and if it is a tie and the House can’t decide the leader it could continue to Jan 20
We are unlikely to know for sure who won on election day unless it is very close. In 2020 it took 4 days for the Associated Press to declare it. This year hopefully it will be faster as Pennsylvania has hugely speeded up its process for the cities using new letter opening machines. We may hear Pennsylvania on the night or the next day unless it is very close.
Then at the end of all that, which could last to safe harbour day on December 17 or even through to the electoral college vote day on December 17, the US finally has its president.
That is unless it’s a tie. It could be a tie for instance if Harris gets Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Trump gets all the remaining swing states. In that case we know by Jan 20 2025 at the latest. In that case it is the House decides, one vote per state. Likely it chooses Trump but it only has 26 likely Republican delegations and if one of those states is equal Republcan / Democrat the House can’t decide.
If the House can’t decide, then Kamala Harris as the previous vice president becomes the next president until it can decide. or to the end of the next term.
Biden leaves office on Jan 20th and at that point the next president takes office even if the House can’t decide, in which case the next president is Harris.
I will make those into new blog posts if I get time before the election day.
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