what about other middle eastern countries? would this prompt them to get involved in a way the gaza strip couldn’t achieve?

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I don't think so, Iran not likely to directly attack Israel. Syria maybe more risk of getting involved but it wouldn't want the focus turned on them either.

Egypt and Jordan definitel not.

I don't think much effect on other countries except stray missiles from Hezbollah intended for Israel if there was a big war. It would be like the Gaza Strip but with Hezbollah instead of Gaza Stirp.

But remember that both sides very much want to de-escalate. The last thing Netanyahu wants is a larger war that unlike the Gaza Strip conflict would lead to deaths of Israelis.

The attack on the soccer field was surely a mistake as Hezbollah only aim for military targets in Israel, unlike Hamas with their rockets. Both sides have killed civilians since Oct 07 but both sides have aimed at military targets.

Israel will feel it has to respond for show. And Hezbollah will understand that. And likely respond as well but in calibrated ways.

Remember that these countries are used to de-escalating and they will do carefully calibrated responses as nobody wants a larger war.

Concern is for a larger Gaza Strip between the small countries of Israel and Lebanon


- and both sides want to deescalate and have experience in deescalating

SEE BLOG: https://robertinventor.substack.com/p/concern-is-for-a-larger-gaza-strip

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